Gorilla Gesund
Orthopedic neck pillow
Gorilla Healthy Neck Pillow, the right choice for you!
Did you know how gorillas sleep?
Sleeping is important for gorillas. Unlike other mammals/monkeys/primates, gorillas carefully build new nests every day. Sleep is so important to them. Shortly before dusk, they begin to build their own personal nest where they will spend the night. They spend around 12 hours each day in their tailor-made, comfortable nest. We, Gorilla Health, ensure a healthy and comfortable sleeping environment, just like gorillas do.

Philosophy at Gorilla Gesund
At Gorilla Health, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We attach great importance to friendly and attentive customer service as well as open communication. If a customer is not completely satisfied with one of our products, we will do everything we can to find a suitable solution that meets their needs.