Rollz rollator
Discover the modern rollator wheelchair, Rollz Motion
Transforms from one to another easily and in just a few seconds
With the Rollz Motion Always have the right mobility aid at hand: a rollator when you feel like walking and a wheelchair to rest when you want to be pushed. This means you can still take part in all everyday activities even when you have reached your walking limit.
Simply unfold the wheelchair package, insert the footrests and turn the handles. Once you've rested, turn it back into a walker. This innovative combination enables stable, upright and comfortable walking, both indoors and outdoors.
Lightweight and easy to handle with Rollz Flex
Multiple options for support
The innovative round push bar of the Rollz Flex offers you the opportunity to control the rollator with one hand and open the door or hold your grandchild's hand with the other hand. You can put your full weight on it for walking safety. The position of the push bar can be changed depending on the support you need at the time.
The Rollz Flex is a reliable shopping partner thanks to its large volume bag. Even with a bag full of shopping, the modern rollator is easy to steer thanks to its sophisticated center of gravity. The wheels are closer together to allow for a tight turning circle. This is practical in tight spaces.
Do you have anymore questions? You can contact us at any time or now you can Rollz rollator Buy cheaply online at Gorilla Health and get advice.
Visit our Rollatorpage to find other types of rollators.