A safe mobile support with a rollator - rollator models and accessories for every need
Basically one is Rollator Relatively simple to set up: A light but stable frame, four puncture-proof wheels, two handles, two hand brakes, a shelf that also serves as a seat, a basket or net and practical accessories make it the ideal everyday companion. Most of them can be used for journeys by bus, train or car Rollators Fold up and store to save space. A distinction is made here between lengthwise folds, which are space-saving and safe on four wheels, and less comfortable variants which are folded crosswise.
There are usually three types of rollators:
The Apartment walker or Rollator for the apartment is intended exclusively for use in the apartment or house. It is narrower than an everyday model Outdoor rollator or Outdoor Rollator and has significantly smaller wheels. This means you can easily use it within your own four walls. It is available in a classic wooden design or made of light aluminum, so that it fits unobtrusively and harmoniously into the overall picture.
Thanks to storage and transport options (tray or basket), it can be used like a mobile table or serving trolley.
However, these advantages are also the most serious disadvantages Apartment rollators - Due to the smaller wheels, the risk of falling is greater (be careful of carpet edges!), it is often not adjustable in height and is not as stable as rollators, which are (also) intended for outdoor use. Basically it applies that Apartment walkers should be just as safe and stable as the other two types of rollators.

As the name suggests, it is Outdoor rollator or Outdoor Rollator designed for outdoor use. Even off asphalt roads and sidewalks, you can travel safely on forest and gravel paths or cobblestones. The central feature is the significantly larger (front) tires, which guarantee stability with a slightly wider overall design and better cushion unevenness in the ground. Quality manufacturers pay attention to the high level of puncture resistance of the respective tires. Outdoor Rollator should be completely rust-proof and designed for a body weight of up to around 150 kilograms. This makes them also suitable for stronger walker users. The handles of this type of rollator should be secured against twisting and shaped in such a way that they meet the highest ergonomic requirements. They serve as a support for the heel of the hand to relieve the strain. This property should not be underestimated when traveling on longer and/or bumpy routes. The best way to test the driving characteristics is on a bumpy road in a medical supply store or on cobblestones. The steering should be light and maneuverable despite larger tires. Right there Outdoor rollators If they are transported frequently, they should be able to be folded up easily and safely.
The Everyday rollator can be used inside and outside. The inexpensive standard or cash register model is usually made of tubular steel and is simple and robust. The usual equipment includes a metal shopping basket and a plastic seat. This means that the standard model that the health insurance company pays for fulfills the basic functions of a rollator - but nothing more. At up to 14 kilograms, standard rollators are very heavy and bulky, are harder to fold due to the transverse folding, have fewer functions and sometimes have safety defects. Modern premium models Lightweight rollators or Carbon rollators On the other hand, they impress with their high stability and comparatively low weight of less than 8 kilograms. Another quality criterion are the brakes, which not only have to function reliably, but should also be operated from the handle without any effort. The folding mechanism is important for transport - so-called longitudinal folds can be folded with one hand and securely fixed in this position without getting your fingers caught and the walking aid falling over in the waiting room or on the bus.
Our tip: Test this mechanism to make sure that the rollator doesn't unintentionally unfold when you load it into the car!

Brian Lorson,
Physiotherapist, fitness specialist and lecturer in the disabled rehabilitation sports association:
“A rollator should not only be used if there are already serious problems with walking. From a therapeutic point of view, it makes more sense to use it for mild gait disorders and/or dizziness symptoms or when long walking distances or shopping become too strenuous but you still want to remain mobile. If you only start using the rollator when your strength, coordination and mobility are already very limited, it will be more difficult for you to get used to it.”
Features such as tilt assistance on both sides, which make it easier to overcome curbs or other smaller obstacles, are not just for convenience, but are a must for your safety. Premium rollators can impress in almost all categories, which they have already proven in various tests. Independent institutes such as the German Society for Geriatric Technology or the Aktion Gesunder Back e.V. have selected rollators tested under certain criteria (e.g. back-friendliness). This of course has its price. An additional payment is required for the additional costs to your health insurance provider.
Useful accessories: For most walkers Accessories offered. There are differences here too. While Rollator accessories is only universal for standard models, various premium manufacturers offer, for example, individually adjustable back straps and umbrellas that can be installed without tools, a senior-friendly lock for the rollator or even theft and vandalism insurance that guarantees replacement in the event of damage. Many useful features of the premium models can be retrofitted - it is best to pay attention to your desired equipment when consulting with an expert so that your needs are taken into account in the best possible way.